Piedmont Lithium Announces Strategic Investment in Quebec Hard-Rock Lithium Developer Sayona Mining

  • US$12 million investment to acquire 19.9% of Sayona Mining Limited and 25.0% of Sayona Quebec
  • Binding supply agreement for 50% of Sayona Quebec’s spodumene concentrate production
  • Geographic diversification into a world-class mining jurisdiction with large resource base
  • Piedmont positioned to become a major producer of lithium hydroxide from internal and 3rd party spodumene

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or “Company“) is pleased to announce that it has entered into agreements (“Agreements”) to establish a strategic partnership with Sayona Mining Limited (“Sayona”) (ASX:SYA) through the purchase of equity stakes in Sayona and its 100% owned Quebec subsidiary, Sayona Quebec Inc (“Sayona Quebec”), as well as a binding supply agreement for at least 50% of Sayona Quebec’s planned spodumene concentrate production.

Piedmont will acquire an initial 9.9% equity interest in Sayona for approximately US$3.1 million (“Share Placement“) and two unsecured convertible notes (“Convertible Notes“) for approximately US$3.9 million that upon conversion would result in Piedmont acquiring an additional 10.0% equity interest in Sayona. Piedmont will appoint one director to Sayona’s Board of Directors. Piedmont will also purchase a 25.0% stake in Sayona Quebec for approximately US$5.0 million in cash (“Project Investment“). Sayona Quebec owns the DFS-level Authier lithium project, the highly prospective Tansim lithium project, and is pursuing a bid to acquire Quebec-based North American Lithium’s (“NAL“) assets.

Piedmont and Sayona Quebec have also entered into a binding spodumene concentrate (“SC6“) supply agreement (“Supply Agreement“) pursuant to which Sayona Quebec will supply to Piedmont the greater of 60,000 t/y or 50% of Sayona Quebec’s SC6 production at market prices on a life-of-mine basis.

The Share Placement and issue of the Convertible Notes are expected to close the week of January 11, 2021 with the Project Investment expected to close in February 2021. Material terms of the Agreements are included in the Summary of Transaction Terms at the end of this announcement.

Keith D. Phillips, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “Piedmont’s partnership with Sayona will provide multiple benefits. Sayona has high quality asset in a favorable location, and the investments are being made at an attractive valuation. The investments are additive to Piedmont from a resources and reserves perspective, and the spodumene supply agreement will offset our Tesla commitments in the near term and position us for longer term growth in lithium hydroxide production. Furthermore, Sayona’s pursuit of the brownfield assets of NAL offers a unique regional consolidation opportunity.

“Quebec is poised to become an important lithium hydroxide production center given its abundant mineral resources, low-cost, sustainable hydro-electric power, proximity to major US and European electric vehicle markets, and pro-electrification stance of provincial leaders. Sayona’s assets are favorably located in the Val-d’Or region of central Quebec, home to major mining concerns and proximate to first-class infrastructure. Sayona’s core Authier project is well-advanced, with reserves declared and DFS complete, the nearby Tansim project offers strong exploration potential, and the regional consolidation opportunities including NAL are intriguing.”

“This is a very exciting step for Piedmont. We look forward to supporting Sayona’s team as they drive day-to-day activities in Quebec, while Piedmont’s team focuses on its core interests in North Carolina. 2021 will be an important year for our Piedmont Lithium Project, as we plan to expand our mineral resources, finalize permitting, execute additional lithium offtake agreements, complete an integrated definitive feasibility study, and secure strategic project financing. We are fortunate to have a strong balance sheet to comfortably fund the Sayona investments without compromising our aggressive plans in North Carolina.”

About Sayona Mining

Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA; OTC:DMNXF) is an emerging lithium miner, with projects in Québec, Canada and Western Australia. In Québec, Sayona is progressing a bid for the North American Lithium mine with the backing of a world-class advisory team, while advancing its flagship Authier Lithium Project and its emerging Tansim Project. In Western Australia, the Company holds a large tenement portfolio in the Pilbara region prospective for gold and lithium. For more information, please visit www.sayonamining.com.au.

About Piedmont Lithium

Piedmont Lithium Limited (ASX:PLL; Nasdaq:PLL) holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project, a pre-production business targeting the production of 160,000 t/y of spodumene concentrate and the manufacture of 22,700 t/y of battery quality lithium hydroxide in North Carolina, USA to support electric vehicle and battery supply chains in the United States and globally. Piedmont’s premier southeastern USA location is advantaged by favorable geology, proven metallurgy and easy access to infrastructure, power, R&D centers for lithium and battery storage, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities. Piedmont has reported 27.9Mt of Mineral Resources grading at 1.11% Li2O located within the world-class Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) and along trend to the Hallman Beam and Kings Mountain mines, which historically provided most of the western world’s lithium between the 1950s and the 1980s. The TSB has been described as one of the largest lithium provinces in the world and is located approximately 25 miles west of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Summary of Transaction Terms

Share Placement


Piedmont Lithium Limited (ASX:PLL)


Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA)

No. of Securities


Subscription Price

US$0.0092 per share (aggregate of US$3,093,104.80)

Board Representation

For so long as the Subscriber holds voting power of at least 9% in the Issuer, the Subscriber will have the right to appoint one person as a non-executive director of the Issuer


For so long as the Subscriber holds voting power of at least 9% the Issuer must not issue shares (other than a pro-rata offer of shares to all shareholders on the same terms in which the Subscriber is entitled to participate) without the Subscriber’s prior written consent

Convertible Notes


Piedmont Lithium Limited (ASX:PLL)


Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA)

No. of Securities

  • One Tranche A convertible note (convertible into 342,873,866 shares)
  • One Tranche B convertible note (convertible into 81,100,000 shares, subject to Issuer shareholder approval)


5 years

Subscription Price and Face Value

  • Tranche A convertible note – US$3,154,439.57
  • Tranche B convertible note – US$746,120.00


No interest is payable on convertible notes if completion of the Project Investment occurs



Conversion Price

US$0.0092 per share


The Subscriber can convert the convertible notes at any time during the Term, provided that the Subscriber must immediately convert the convertible notes if completion of the Project Investment occurs (and Issuer shareholder approval has been obtained in relation to the conversion of the Tranche B convertible note).

Project Investment


Piedmont Lithium Limited (or its nominee)


Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA)

Sale and Purchase

The Seller agrees to sell, and the Buyer agrees to buy, 25% of the Seller’s 100% interest in Sayona Quebec Inc. which holds the rights to the Authier and Tansim lithium projects




Completion is conditional on the following conditions precedent which are for the benefit of the Buyer and can only be waived by the Buyer:

(a) Seller shareholder approval being obtained for the conversion of Tranche B convertible note;

(b) completion of due diligence to the satisfaction of the Buyer;

(c) execution of a shareholders agreement in relation to the Seller;

(d) no material adverse change; and

(e) other customary conditions.


Customary representations, warranties and pre-completion obligations

Supply Agreement


Piedmont Lithium Carolinas, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Piedmont


Sayona Quebec Inc.


Spodumene concentrate containing 6.0% Li2O grade (dry basis)


60,000 dry metric tonnes (“dmt“) per year or 50% of Seller’s production, whichever is greater




Market pricing (based on an average price for CIF China Price (US$) for 6.0% SC6 dry basis) with a minimum price of US$500/t and a maximum price of US$900/t on a delivered basis to the Buyer’s planned lithium hydroxide plant in North Carolina


Buyer and Seller agreeing to a start date for Product deliveries between July 2023 and July 2024 based on the development schedules of both parties

Forward Looking Statements

This announcement may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on Piedmont’s expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward looking statements are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Piedmont, which could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements. Piedmont makes no undertaking to subsequently update or revise the forward-looking statements made in this announcement, to reflect the circumstances or events after the date of that announcement.

Cautionary Note to United States Investors Concerning Estimates of Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resources

The Project’s Core property Mineral Resource of 25.1Mt @ 1.13% Li2O comprises Indicated Mineral Resources of 12.5Mt @ 1.13% Li2O and Inferred Mineral Resources of 12.6Mt @ 1.04% Li2O. The Central property Mineral Resource of 2.80Mt @ 1.34% Li2O comprises Indicated Mineral Resources of 1.41Mt @ 1.38% Li2O and 1.39Mt @ 1.29% Li2O. The information contained in this announcement has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Australia, which differ from the requirements of U.S. securities laws. The terms “mineral resource”, “measured mineral resource”, “indicated mineral resource” and “inferred mineral resource” are Australian terms defined in accordance with the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the “JORC Code”). However, these terms are not defined in Industry Guide 7 (“SEC Industry Guide 7”) under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), and are normally not permitted to be used in reports and filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Effective January 1, 2021, the SEC has adopted amendments to its disclosure rules to modernize the mineral property disclosure requirements for issuers whose securities are registered with the SEC under the Exchange Act and as a result, the SEC now recognizes estimates of “measured mineral resources”, “indicated mineral resources” and “inferred mineral resources”. In addition, the SEC has amended its definitions of “proven mineral reserves” and “probable mineral reserves” to be “substantially similar” to the corresponding definitions under the JORC Code. However, information contained herein that describes Piedmont’s mineral deposits may not be comparable to similar information made public by U.S. companies subject to reporting and disclosure requirements under the U.S. federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder. U.S. investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in Piedmont’s Form 20-F, a copy of which may be obtained from Piedmont or from the EDGAR system on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov/.

Competent Persons Statement

The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results, Metallurgical Testwork Results, Exploration Targets, Mineral Resources, Concentrator Process Design, Concentrator Capital Costs, Concentrator Operating Costs, Mining Engineering and Mining Schedule is extracted from the Company’s ASX announcements dated July 23, 2020, May 26, 2020, June 25, 2019, April 24, 2019, and September 6, 2018 which are available to view on the Company’s website at www.piedmontlithium.com. Piedmont confirms that: a) it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original ASX announcements; b) all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning Mineral Resources, Exploration Targets, Production Targets, and related forecast financial information derived from Production Targets included in the original ASX announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed; and c) the form and context in which the relevant Competent Persons’ findings are presented in this report have not been materially modified from the original ASX announcements.

This announcement has been authorized for release by the Company’s Board of Directors.

Keith Phillips
President & CEO

T: +1 973 809 0505

E: kphillips@piedmontlithium.com

Brian Risinger
VP – Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

T: +1 704 910 9688

E: brisinger@piedmontlithium.com

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Eles podem participar de treinamentos, conferências e ler artigos científicos para expandir seus conhecimentos e habilidades. Também é importante ter uma mentalidade analítica, curiosidade e capacidade de resolver problemas, pois a análise de dados muitas vezes requer a abordagem de desafios https://forum.mush.com.br/user/iliner55v complexos. Trabalhe em projetos práticos que abordem todas as diferentes etapas da análise de dados. Pesquise empresas e oportunidades de mercado, estabeleça os parâmetros dos dados que você precisa coletar, colete e limpe esses dados, modele os dados e analise-os usando diferentes técnicas.

Atuação nas empresas

Depois de adquirir as principais habilidades de dados, o próximo passo para se tornar um Analista de Dados é praticar o uso dessas habilidades, idealmente criando seus próprios projetos que você pode compartilhar publicamente. Uma maneira eficaz de exibir seu trabalho – e suas habilidades de dados – é postar o código que você escreveu, mesmo como parte de seu curso. Aprenda como criar um dashboard de análise no Google Data Studio com este guia completo. Descubra dicas valiosas para uma análise eficaz de dados e a aplicação das melhores práticas e técnicas para fornecer insights poderosos por meio de visualizações de dados. Os analistas de dados precisam ser capazes de examinar os dados de maneira crítica e identificar padrões e tendências importantes.

Piedmont Announces Intent to Re-Domicile to United States

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or “Company”) is pleased to announce its intention to re-domicile from Australia to the United States via a proposed Scheme of Arrangement (the “Scheme”), subject to shareholder, regulatory and court approvals.

If the Scheme is approved, Piedmont will move its primary listing from the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”) to the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and will retain an ASX listing via Chess Depositary Interests (“CDIs”).

To implement the re-domiciliation, Piedmont has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed (“SID”) with Piedmont Lithium Inc., a newly formed Delaware corporation (“Piedmont USA”), which will become the ultimate parent company of the Piedmont group of companies following the implementation of the Scheme.

Pursuant to the Scheme:

  • Holders of Piedmont ordinary shares will be entitled to receive one (1) CDI in Piedmont USA for each ordinary share held in Piedmont on the Scheme record date (with each CDI to represent 1/100th of a share of common stock in Piedmont USA); and
  • Holders of Piedmont American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”) (each ADS currently represents 100 Piedmont ordinary shares) will be entitled to receive one (1) share of common stock in Piedmont USA for each ADS held in Piedmont on the Scheme record date.

The re-domiciliation is not expected to result in any material changes to Piedmont’s assets, management, operations, or strategy, and is expected to be structured on a tax-neutral basis to Piedmont and its shareholders.

Rationale for the Scheme

Piedmont’s Board of Directors believe that becoming a U.S. company will allow Piedmont to streamline its business operations given substantially all of our core assets and management team are currently in the United States and the re-domiciliation may deliver certain additional benefits to Piedmont and its shareholders, including:

  • Increased attractiveness of Piedmont USA to a broader U.S. investor pool who previously could not invest in non-U.S. securities, leading to Piedmont being more fully valued over time by a greater number of investors;
  • Improved access to lower-cost debt and equity capital in the U.S. markets, which are larger and more diverse than Australian capital markets, thus enabling future growth to be financed at a lower cost;
  • Increased demand for Piedmont USA shares due to the Company’s expected inclusion in important U.S. stock market indices such as the Russell 2000 and the S&P Total Market; and
  • A simplified corporate structure for potential future merger, sale or acquisition transactions, which may increase Piedmont’s attractiveness to potential merger partners, sellers or acquirers.

Board Recommendation

The Board will appoint an independent expert to assess if the Scheme is in the best interest of Piedmont’s shareholders. A report prepared by the independent expert will form part of the Scheme Booklet, which will contain detailed information regarding the Scheme. Piedmont encourages its shareholders to read the Scheme Booklet carefully.

The Directors of Piedmont unanimously recommend that Piedmont shareholders vote in favor of the Scheme and all of the Directors personally intend to vote all Piedmont shares in their control in favor of the Scheme, subject to the independent expert concluding that the Scheme is in the best interests of Piedmont shareholders.

Details of the Scheme Implementation

The implementation of the Scheme is subject to several customary conditions including the approval of Piedmont shareholders and the Federal Court of Australia, as well as other necessary regulatory approvals.

Full details of the terms and conditions of the Scheme are set out in the SID, a copy of which is attached to this announcement.

Indicative Timetable and Next Steps

Piedmont shareholders do not need to take any action at this time.

A Scheme Booklet containing, among other things, more detailed information relating to the Scheme, reasons for the directors’ recommendation, information on the Scheme Meeting and the Independent Expert’s Report is expected to be mailed to Piedmont shareholders in late January 2021.

Piedmont shareholders will be given the opportunity to vote on the Scheme at a Scheme Meeting expected to be held in March 2021 and, subject to the conditions of the Scheme being satisfied, the Scheme is expected to be implemented in March 2021. These dates are indicative and subject to change.

New Board Composition

As part of the re-domiciliation, the Company is pleased to announce that it has appointed U.S. Independent Director, Mr. Jeffrey Armstrong, as Independent Chairman of the Board, replacing Mr. Ian Middlemas who will resign as a Director. The Company will make additional changes to its Board to comply with U.S. requirements in due course.

Mr. Armstrong joined the Board in 2018 and resides in Charlotte, North Carolina. Mr. Armstrong has extensive financial services experience with major corporations and entrepreneurs alike. He has served as CEO of North Inlet Advisors for the past 11 years and previously served as Head of M&A and Corporate Finance at what is now Wells Fargo’s Investment Bank. Mr. Armstrong’s deep experience in complex corporate transactions will be ideal as Piedmont explores strategic opportunities to build and maximize shareholder value in coming years.

The Board would like to thank Mr. Middlemas for his dedication and leadership in progressing Piedmont from a junior explorer into a A$500 million dual-listed U.S. lithium developer with a world class resource base. Mr. Middlemas will be stepping back from some of his broader corporate responsibilities to deal with family health issues, and Piedmont’s transition to become a U.S. company marks an opportune time for this shift. Mr. Middlemas remains very supportive of Piedmont’s strategic growth plans and has informed Piedmont that he intends to remain a large shareholder of the Company going forward.

Keith D. Phillips, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented:

I’m very pleased that Piedmont will become a U.S. corporation, reflecting the location of our core assets and management team, and joining industry leaders Albemarle and Livent as the only American domiciled and listed lithium company. Lithium has been identified by the federal government as a critical material for America’s national security, and this re-domiciling will cement Piedmont’s position as an important part of the U.S. supply chain.

“Since our initial Nasdaq listing in 2018 we have seen the proportion of U.S. investors in Piedmont grow substantially, so that currently most of our average daily trading volume occurs on Nasdaq. Despite this progress, numerous U.S. investors are unable to invest in non-U.S. companies, and this re-domiciling will meaningfully expand the pool of eligible investors in our Company. We hope that this additional shareholder demand, combined with the Company’s future inclusion in important U.S. indices such as the Russell 2000, will lead to increased shareholder value over time. We will of course maintain a strong presence in the Australian market via a continued ASX listing, reflecting the strong support we have received from Australian institutional and individual shareholders over the past several years.

“I want to thank Ian Middlemas for his strong leadership and personal mentoring during the time I’ve been with Piedmont. Ian is a renowned entrepreneur and industrialist, and his focus on measured growth combined with prudent cash management have been critical to our success as an organization. I further want to welcome and congratulate Jeff Armstrong for his appointment as Chairman. Jeff is a seasoned strategic thinker and is well-established in the Charlotte community. I am confident he will be a strong leader of our Board going forward.

About Piedmont Lithium

Piedmont Lithium Limited (ASX:PLL; Nasdaq:PLL) holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project, a pre-production business targeting the production of 160,000 t/y of spodumene concentrate and 22,700 t/y of battery quality lithium hydroxide in North Carolina, USA to support electric vehicle and battery supply chains in the United States and globally. Piedmont’s premier southeastern U.S. location is advantaged by favorable geology, proven metallurgy and easy access to infrastructure, power, R&D centers for lithium and battery storage, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities. Piedmont has reported 27.9Mt of Mineral Resources grading at 1.11% Li2O located within the world-class Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) and along trend to the Hallman Beam and Kings Mountain mines, which historically provided most of the western world’s lithium between the 1950s and the 1980s. The TSB has been described as one of the largest lithium provinces in the world and is located approximately 25 miles west of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Forward Looking Statements

This announcement may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on Piedmont’s expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward looking statements are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Piedmont, which could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements. Piedmont makes no undertaking to subsequently update or revise the forward-looking statements made in this announcement, to reflect the circumstances or events after the date of that announcement.

Not an offer of securities

This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in the United States. Any securities described in this announcement have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or in transactions exempt from registration under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable U.S. state securities laws.

This announcement has been authorized for release by the Company’s CEO, Mr. Keith Phillips.

Keith Phillips
President & CEO

+1 973 809 0505


Tim McKenna
Investor and Government Relations

+1 732 331 6457


Piedmont Receives Key Permit for Chemical Operations

  • Title V Air Permit has been issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
  • The air permit allows for the construction and operations of planned 22,700 t/y lithium hydroxide plant
  • The permit was applied for and approved within the Company’s announced timetable
  • Piedmont is now the only US greenfield lithium project to hold all federally regulated permits

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has received from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (“NCDEQ”) Division of Air Quality (“DAQ”) the air permit (“Permit”) to construct and operate the Company’s planned 22,700 t/y lithium hydroxide chemical plant located in Kings Mountain, North Carolina.

The Permit defines the allowable limits for the construction and operations of emission sources as well as the construction and operation of air cleaning equipment to be used in the operation of the planned facilities. DAQ issued the Permit approval following a detailed review of Piedmont’s permit application submitted in October 2020. Receipt of the construction and operations air Permit for the Company’s planned chemical plant represents a significant milestone in the development of Piedmont’s proposed integrated lithium hydroxide business in North Carolina. HDR Engineering’s Charlotte Office acted as lead consultant in the preparation of the Company’s air permit application.

Combined with the Section 404 Standard Individual Permit received in November 2019 from the US Army Corps of Engineers for the Company’s planned concentrate operations, Piedmont now holds all of the federally-regulated permits required for the construction of the integrated project. The Company expects to apply for a North Carolina State Mining Permit and to complete local rezoning processes for the integrated project in the first half of 2021.

Keith D. Phillips, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “Securing our Title V Air Permit represents a major milestone for our integrated lithium hydroxide business, and we are very pleased to have received this authorization. Our project is unique in being the only spodumene-to-hydroxide project in the United States, and together with our previously received federal permit for our concentrate operations now also stands out as the most advanced American lithium project. We are very excited about the important milestones ahead of us as we look to deliver a DFS for a fully permitted integrated project next year.”

Click here to view the full ASX Announcement.

Keith Phillips
President & CEO

+1 973 809 0505


Tim McKenna
Investor and Government Relations

+1 732 331 6457


Piedmont Launches Definitive Feasibility Study for Concentrate Operations

  • Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”) will study a 160,000 t/y quarry and spodumene concentrator
  • DFS is expected to be completed in mid-2021 with a construction decision to follow
  • Study will be led by long-standing Company partners Primero Group and Marshall Miller & Associates
  • A separate DFS for our integrated chemical plant will proceed in Q1 2021

Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has awarded the definitive feasibility study (“DFS”) of its planned spodumene concentrate (“SC6”) operations in North Carolina to a combined team including Primero Group (“Primero”) and Marshall Miller & Associates (“Marshall Miller”). Marshall Miller will lead quarry design activities while Primero will advance the concentrator design, infrastructure design, and be responsible for overall study management.

The DFS will target production of 160,000 tonnes per year of SC6 as well as co-products including quartz and feldspar. The study will incorporate the results of the pilot level testwork currently ongoing at SGS Canada. Piedmont expects to complete the DFS in mid-2021 and pursue an investment decision for the concentrate operations shortly thereafter.

Piedmont remains fully committed to development of an integrated lithium hydroxide business in North Carolina and a DFS of a planned lithium chemical plant will commence in Q1 2021.

Earlier in 2020, Piedmont and Primero entered into an MOU to work together on an exclusive basis for project services including the DFS and future services including the EPC delivery, commissioning, ramp-up and contract operations of Piedmont’s spodumene concentrator. Primero is recognized as a world leader in design, delivery, and operations of spodumene projects and globally.

Piedmont has engaged with Marshall Miller since 2018 to advance mine design, permitting activities, survey, geotechnical study, waste rock and tailings storage design, and other engineering support services. Marshall Miller is an experience regional mining engineering firm based in Bluefield, Virginia with extensive experience in open pit mine and quarry design and permitting in North Carolina and throughout the eastern United States.

Keith D. Phillips, President and CEO of Piedmont, commented: “We are very pleased to be formally commissioning the definitive feasibility study for our concentrate operations, and to be working with industry leaders such as Primero and Marshall Miller. We will launch the DFS for our chemical operations in Q1 2021 and will be positioned to begin construction in mid-2021, which should be ideal timing given the vast demand for lithium hydroxide we expect beginning in the 2022-2023 time period.

Click here to view the complete ASX Announcement.

Keith D. Phillips
President & CEO

T: +1 973 809 0505

E: kphillips@piedmontlithium.com

Timothy McKenna
Investor and Government Relations

T: +1 732 331 6457

E: tmckenna@piedmontlithium.com

Piedmont Lithium Expands Drill Program

  • Current drill program expanded by 25,000 meters with three new drill rigs added for a total of five rigs
  • Drilling to expand Mineral Resources is proceeding positively and resource updates are expected in Q1 2021
  • Infill drilling will target upgrading the Company’s Mineral Resources on the Core property from Inferred to Indicated classification in advance of a Definitive Feasibility Study

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or “Company”) is pleased to announce it has expanded the current drilling campaign by an additional 25,000 meters, with three additional rigs arriving in the field over the coming weeks. The expanded drill program is designed to complete infill drilling on the Core Property with the objective of upgrading the Mineral Resource classification category for select areas from the Inferred category to the Measured and Indicated categories.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201117005343/en/

Piedmont Lithium Project Property Map Showing Mineral Resources, Exploration Targets and Proposed Drillholes (Graphic: Business Wire)

The Company plans to publish a Mineral Resource estimate update for the Core Property in Q2 2021 in support of reporting Ore Reserves and completion of a Definitive Feasibility Study in mid-2021.

The expanded drill program will also continue to explore the numerous spodumene pegmatites which have been discovered on the Company’s properties over the past several months. Assays are pending for several of these new discoveries.

The Company also plans an update to the Mineral Resource estimate of the Central Property in early-2021 based on the results of exploration drilling on the property completed in September 2020.

Piedmont expects to complete the expanded drill program in late spring 2021 but acknowledges that the schedule may be impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Field operations at the Piedmont Lithium Project continue under COVID-19 safety protocols, using guidelines and orders established by the State of North Carolina.

Keith D. Phillips, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “We are excited to be aggressively expanding our drill program with five drill rigs soon to be in the field. Our dual objectives are to upgrade the current Inferred Resources within the Core Property to support our upcoming DFS, while also growing the overall scale of our mineral resource tonnage. The Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt is one of the world’s most prolific lithium belts and we are hopeful that we will ultimately delineate North America’s largest spodumene resource, ideally located in North Carolina to power North America’s clean energy storage and EV revolution.

Click here to view the full ASX Announcement.

Keith Phillips
President & CEO

+1 973 809 0505


Tim McKenna
Investor and Government Relations

+1 732 331 6457


Piedmont Lithium Announces Spodumene Concentrator Pilot Testwork Launched

  • Pilot testwork will be completed on a 50t sample of ore collected from Piedmont’s Core Property
  • SGS Canada will complete dense medium and flotation pilot work over the coming weeks
  • Concentrate produced will be used in internal and third-party lithium hydroxide pilot programs
  • Results will be used to support definitive feasibility and detailed design engineering

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or “Company”) is pleased to announce that it will partner with SGS Canada, Inc. (“SGS”) in Lakefield, Ontario to complete a pilot-scale spodumene concentrator testwork program using a bulk sample collected from the Piedmont Lithium Project in North Carolina.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201111005204/en/

Pilot Plant Setup at SGS Canada (Photo: Business Wire)

The Company collected over 50 tonnes of mineralized pegmatite from 17 locations across the Company’s Core Property in February 2020. Samples were collected from near surface pegmatites located in areas of early, middle, and late year production.

The pilot plant design will be based on the results of prior testwork programs and will be used to support both definitive feasibility study of the Company’s planned concentrate operations as well as detailed design engineering of the full-scale operations.

The pilot program will target production of a large sample of spodumene concentrate with at least 6.0% Li2O and less than 1.0% Fe2O3 for use in future pilot-scale lithium hydroxide testwork programs that Piedmont will complete as part of Definitive Feasibility Study of the Company’s planned integrated lithium chemical plant.

Pilot Plant Setup at SGS Canada

The pilot scale testwork is viewed by the Company as a critical step in ensuring future commissioning and ramp-up success. Additionally, the bulk sample collected targeted a range of potential concentrator feed conditions, including low-grade zones and diluted feed. Testing variable conditions rather than an optimized feed will help inform engineering design and eliminate potential operational bottlenecks during the project design phase.

Keith D. Phillips, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “We are pleased to continue our partnership with SGS Canada on this important pilot-scale testwork program, which will underpin our upcoming definitive feasibility study as well as future detailed design engineering of our spodumene concentrator. The program will enable Piedmont to complete future lithium hydroxide testwork programs and also supply large samples of spodumene concentrate to our key customer, Tesla, for their own testing purposes.”

Keith Phillips
President & CEO

T: +1 973 809 0505

E: kphillips@piedmontlithium.com

Tim McKenna
Investor and Government Relations

T: +1 732 331 6457

E: tmckenna@piedmontlithium.com

Piedmont Lithium Limited September 2020 Quarterly Report

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (ASX: PLL; NASDAQ: PLL) (“Piedmont” or “Company”) is pleased to present its September 2020 quarterly report. Highlights during and subsequent to the quarter were:

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201030005061/en/

Piedmont Lithium located within the USA’s auto-alley

  • Signed binding agreement with Tesla, Inc. (“Tesla”) for the supply of spodumene concentrate from Piedmont’s North Carolina deposit to Tesla for an initial five-year term on a fixed-price binding purchase commitment from the delivery of first product;
  • Completed a bench-scale lithium hydroxide testwork program which demonstrated conversion of Piedmont ore to battery-quality lithium hydroxide. Lithium hydroxide was produced from spodumene concentrate produced from core samples taken from Piedmont’s North Carolina deposit. Quality results compare favorably with current market specifications for battery quality lithium hydroxide;
  • Resumed drilling at Piedmont’s properties located within the world-class Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) in North Carolina. The drill program will consist of approximately 5,600 meters with a primary objective to drill Exploration Target areas on the Core and Central properties, as well as previously untested occurrences of spodumene bearing pegmatite on regional properties;
  • Appointed Mr. Austin Devaney as Vice President – Sales & Marketing. Mr. Devaney spent most of the past decade in senior marketing roles with Albemarle Corporation, most recently as Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Customer Excellence; and
  • Completed a U.S. public offering of 2,300,000 of Piedmont’s American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), with each ADS representing 100 of its ordinary shares, which includes the full exercise of the underwriters’ option, at an issue price of US$25.00 per ADS, to raise aggregate gross proceeds of US$57.5 million (A$81.2 million).

Keith D. Phillips, President and CEO of Piedmont, commented:

“We are extremely proud of the key milestones achieved by Piedmont during the quarter. Our agreement with Tesla highlights the strategic importance of Piedmont’s unique American spodumene deposit and confirms the trend toward spodumene as the preferred feedstock for the lithium hydroxide required in high-nickel batteries. Our relationship with Tesla represents the start of the first U.S. domestic lithium supply chain.

“Additionally, our recent U.S. public offering raised US$57.5 million and brought several strong U.S. cleantech and materials investors into our shareholder base, while strengthening Piedmont’s balance sheet, and enabling us to accelerate our development to become the first new American producer of lithium hydroxide in decades.

“We will soon commence an integrated definitive feasibility study (“DFS”), including a large infill drill campaign and pilot scale metallurgical testwork program, and will also prioritize the procurement of long lead-time items. We will continue to work on marketing arrangements for our lithium hydroxide and quartz by-products, focusing on the electric vehicle and solar panel markets, respectively. The DFS is planned for completion in Q2 2021.”

Click here to view the full ASX Announcement.

Keith Phillips
President & CEO

T: +1 973 809 0505

E: kphillips@piedmontlithium.com

Tim McKenna
Investor and Government Relations

T: +1 732 331 6457

E: tmckenna@piedmontlithium.com

Piedmont Announces Closing of Public Offering and Full Exercise of Underwriters’ Over-Allotment Option

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq:PLL; ASX:PLL) todayannounced the closing of its previously announced underwritten public offering of 2.3 million American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), which includes the full exercise of the underwriters’ option to purchase 300,000 additional ADSs, with each ADS representing 100 of its ordinary shares (“Public Offering”). The aggregate gross proceeds of the Public Offering, before underwriting discounts and commissions, totaled $57.5 million.

Evercore ISI, Canaccord Genuity and ThinkEquity, a division of Fordham Financial Management, Inc., acted as joint book-runners for the Public Offering. Loop Capital Markets and Roth Capital Partners acted as co-managers for the Public Offering.

Proceeds from the offering will be used to continue development of the Company’s Piedmont Lithium Project, including a definitive feasibility study, testwork, permitting, further exploration drilling and ongoing land consolidation, and for general corporate purposes.

The Public Offering was made pursuant to an effective shelf registration statement that has been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). A final prospectus supplement related to the offering of the ADSs has been filed with the SEC and is available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov and on the ASX website. Copies of the final prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus relating to the Public Offering may be obtained from Evercore Group L.L.C., Attention: Equity Capital Markets, 55 East 52nd Street, 35th Floor, New York, NY 10055, by telephone at (888) 474-0200 or by e-mail at ecm.prospectus@evercore.com; Canaccord Genuity LLC, 99 High Street, Suite 1200, Boston, Massachusetts 02110, Attn: Syndicate Department, by telephone at (671) 371-3900 or email at prospectus@cgf.com; and ThinkEquity, a division of Fordham Financial Management, Inc., Prospectus Department, 17 State Street, 22nd Floor, New York, New York 10004, telephone at (877) 436-3673 or e-mail at prospectus@think-equity.com.

This press release is not an offer or sale of the securities in the United States or in any other jurisdiction where such offer or sale is prohibited, and such securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve risks and uncertainties. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “may,” “might,” “will,” “objective,” “intend,” “should,” “could,” “can,” “would,” “expect,” “believe,” “design,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential,” “plan” or the negative of these terms and similar expressions intended to identify forward-looking statements. Piedmont cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on management’s expectations and assumptions as of the date of this news release and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, the anticipated use of the net proceeds of the offering; the fact that the Company’s management will have broad discretion in the use of the proceeds from the sale of the ADSs; the Company’s operations being further disrupted by, or the Company’s financial results being adversely affected by, the novel coronavirus pandemic; the Company’s limited operating history in the lithium industry; the Company’s status as an exploration stage company; the Company’s ability to identify lithium mineralization and achieve commercial lithium mining; mining, exploration and mine construction, if warranted, on the Company’s properties; the Company’s ability to achieve and maintain profitability and to develop positive cash flow from the Company’s mining activities; the Company’s ability to enter into and deliver product under supply agreements; investment risk and operational costs associated with the Company’s exploration activities; the Company’s ability to enter into and deliver product under supply agreements; the Company’s ability to access capital and the financial markets; recruiting, training and maintaining employees; possible defects in title of the Company’s properties; potential conflicts of interest of the Company’s directors and officers; compliance with government regulations; the Company’s ability to acquire necessary mining licenses, permits or access rights; environmental liabilities and reclamation costs; volatility in lithium prices or demand for lithium; the Company’s ADS price and trading volume volatility; risks relating to the development of an active trading market for the ADSs; ADS holders not having certain shareholder rights; ADS holders not receiving certain distributions; and the Company’s status as a foreign private issuer and emerging growth company. Forward-looking statements reflect its analysis only on their stated date, and Piedmont undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements except as may be required by law.

About Piedmont

Piedmont holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project located within the Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) and along trend to the Hallman Beam and Kings Mountain mines, historically providing most of the western world’s lithium between the 1950s and the 1980s. The TSB has been described as one of the largest lithium provinces in the world and is located approximately 25 miles west of Charlotte, North Carolina. It is a premier location for development of an integrated lithium business based on its favorable geology and easy access to infrastructure, power, R&D centers for lithium and battery storage, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities.

Keith Phillips

President & CEO

T: +1 973 809 0505

E: kphillips@piedmontlithium.com

Tim McKenna

Investor and Government Relations

T: +1 732 331 6457

E: tmckenna@piedmontlithium.com

Piedmont Announces Pricing of Public Offering of American Depositary Shares

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq:PLL; ASX:PLL) todayannounced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of 2.0 million of its American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), each representing 100 of its ordinary shares (“Public Offering”), at a price per ADS to the public of $25.00, for aggregate gross proceeds of $50 million. Piedmont has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to additional 300,000 ADSs at the issue price of the Public Offering. The Public Offering is expected to close on October 23, 2020, subject to customary closing conditions.

Evercore ISI, Canaccord Genuity and ThinkEquity, a division of Fordham Financial Management, Inc., are acting as joint book-runners for the Public Offering. Loop Capital Markets and Roth Capital Partners are acting as co-managers for the Public Offering.

Proceeds from the offering will be used to continue development of the Company’s Piedmont Lithium Project, including a definitive feasibility study, testwork, permitting, further exploration drilling and ongoing land consolidation, and for general corporate purposes.

The Public Offering is being made pursuant to an effective shelf registration statement that has been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). A final prospectus supplement related to the offering of the ADSs will be filed with the SEC and made available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov and on the ASX website. Copies of the final prospectus supplement, when available, and the accompanying prospectus relating to the Public Offering may be obtained from Evercore Group L.L.C., Attention: Equity Capital Markets, 55 East 52nd Street, 35th Floor, New York, NY 10055, by telephone at (888) 474-0200 or by e-mail at ecm.prospectus@evercore.com; Canaccord Genuity LLC, 99 High Street, Suite 1200, Boston, Massachusetts 02110, Attn: Syndicate Department, by telephone at (671) 371-3900 or email at prospectus@cgf.com; and ThinkEquity, a division of Fordham Financial Management, Inc., Prospectus Department, 17 State Street, 22nd Floor, New York, New York 10004, telephone at (877) 436-3673 or e-mail at prospectus@think-equity.com.

This press release is not an offer or sale of the securities in the United States or in any other jurisdiction where such offer or sale is prohibited, and such securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve risks and uncertainties. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “may,” “might,” “will,” “objective,” “intend,” “should,” “could,” “can,” “would,” “expect,” “believe,” “design,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential,” “plan” or the negative of these terms and similar expressions intended to identify forward-looking statements. Piedmont cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on management’s expectations and assumptions as of the date of this news release and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, risks related to whether the Company will close the offering of the ADSs on the expected terms, or at all; the anticipated use of the net proceeds of the offering; the fact that the Company’s management will have broad discretion in the use of the proceeds from any sale of the ADSs; the Company’s operations being further disrupted by, or the Company’s financial results being adversely affected by, the novel coronavirus pandemic; the Company’s limited operating history in the lithium industry; the Company’s status as an exploration stage company; the Company’s ability to identify lithium mineralization and achieve commercial lithium mining; mining, exploration and mine construction, if warranted, on the Company’s properties; the Company’s ability to achieve and maintain profitability and to develop positive cash flow from the Company’s mining activities; the Company’s ability to enter into and deliver product under supply agreements; investment risk and operational costs associated with the Company’s exploration activities; the Company’s ability to enter into and deliver product under supply agreements; the Company’s ability to access capital and the financial markets; recruiting, training and maintaining employees; possible defects in title of the Company’s properties; potential conflicts of interest of the Company’s directors and officers; compliance with government regulations; the Company’s ability to acquire necessary mining licenses, permits or access rights; environmental liabilities and reclamation costs; volatility in lithium prices or demand for lithium; the Company’s ADS price and trading volume volatility; risks relating to the development of an active trading market for the ADSs; ADS holders not having certain shareholder rights; ADS holders not receiving certain distributions; and the Company’s status as a foreign private issuer and emerging growth company. Forward-looking statements reflect its analysis only on their stated date, and Piedmont undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements except as may be required by law.

About Piedmont

Piedmont holds a 100% interest in the Piedmont Lithium Project located within the Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt (“TSB”) and along trend to the Hallman Beam and Kings Mountain mines, historically providing most of the western world’s lithium between the 1950s and the 1980s. The TSB has been described as one of the largest lithium provinces in the world and is located approximately 25 miles west of Charlotte, North Carolina. It is a premier location for development of an integrated lithium business based on its favorable geology and easy access to infrastructure, power, R&D centers for lithium and battery storage, major high-tech population centers and downstream lithium processing facilities.

Keith Phillips
President & CEO

T: +1 973 809 0505

E: kphillips@piedmontlithium.com

Tim McKenna
Investor and Government Relations

T: +1 732 331 6457

E: tmckenna@piedmontlithium.com