Seven Myths about Addiction and Recovery

Addressing the underlying cause of addiction is key to a lasting recovery. And no one in a power or policy advocacy position in the U.S. seems to notice, or care about, the negative consequences of this approach. Yes, medication-assisted treatment myths about addiction and recovery (MAT) can be an effective approach. MAT combines therapy and FDA-approved medications to address the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, increasing the chances of successful recovery and reducing the risk of relapse.

  • The purpose of these treatments is to tackle the root cause of addiction and give people the tools to cope and stay sober.
  • Prescription drugs are the most in the hands of individuals intent on using them recreationally.

Recovery is an on-going process that needs continuous effort and sustained commitment. It means making huge changes in lifestyle and creating healthful methods to stay sober. Misconceptions exist that affordable treatment for addiction may not be effective. But, it is important to know that treatment is not a cure but the first step to wellness.

Addiction Myth #6: Only one type of addiction treatment works.

Exploring different treatment options and making changes to support sobriety may be needed in order to be successful. Over time, many become dependent on drugs or alcohol to feel “normal”, and they often experience varying extremes of physical or mental pain when use stops. Withdrawal symptoms can be incredibly uncomfortable, and in some cases, dangerous.

  • People with addiction have often become very disconnected from healthy activities and relationships.
  • Therapy helps individuals comprehend the root of their addiction, deal with traumas or mental health disorders, and create strategies for long-term recovery.
  • Commonly abused prescription drugs include ADHD medications, narcotic pain medications and drugs intended to treat anxiety.
  • From the limitations of willpower to the universal impact of addiction on individuals from all walks of life, we’ll explore the reality behind this pervasive issue.

Hopefully, as the above myths are systematically debunked, an increasing percentage of addicted individuals will seek out the assistance and recovery they desperately need. Explore the importance of addressing stigmas online and in discussions, and the role of education in spreading accurate information about addiction. Let’s dismantle stigmas together and foster a more understanding and supportive society. Embark on a transformative journey towards recovery as we delve into the various aspects of overcoming addiction and reclaiming a fulfilling life. Get ready to explore the complexities of addiction, discover tailored treatment options, and debunk common myths surrounding recovery. From addressing individual needs to providing continued support, we will unveil the realities of recovery and shed light on the importance of seeking help and supporting others.

Myth About Addiction: Addiction is a choice

There are plenty of therapies and medicines that exist to help those struggling with addiction, but they aren’t where recovery ends. That’s not to suggest medication doesn’t work as it has an important place in many rehabilitative contexts, particularly to ease withdrawal symptoms and assist in recovery. But success in recovery relies just as much on intervention in a person’s mental health, the development of healthy coping strategies, and a supportive community. These alcohol and drug rehab programs should be fluid and constantly updated as the client progresses through the program. This process will look different for everyone, but that doesn’t mean that one process works better than another. This can’t last forever, but in many cases, loved ones don’t find out about the problem until it has completely spiraled out of control.

  • That being said, the consequences of addiction (or costs of using) are oftentimes what tip the motivational balance, leading to increased motivation.
  • While an inpatient alcohol and drug rehab program may have been a fantastic choice for your mom, your coworker may benefit more from an outpatient drug rehab program.
  • Also, the less severe the addiction, the more likely someone is to avoid relapse altogether.
  • While it’s true that you may encounter some people who don’t understand your decision, treatment provides you with an environment where you are surrounded by people who know what you’re going through.
  • These are all geared towards making sure everyone can afford treatment.
  • Programs focus on uncovering the root causes of addiction and supplying support for those with substance use disorders.

Even when used correctly, prescription medications can have negative effects. Each person’s response may differ due to metabolism and tolerance levels. Communication between doctors and patients is necessary to ensure safe usage. Research conducted at Treatment Research Institute, Philadelphia shows that 40-60% of people in recovery from addiction will experience at least one instance of relapse. This underlines the importance of understanding and preventing relapse, to ensure long-term success in recovery efforts.